Schema della sezione

  • Grading for the exam is divided in two parts: a project and an oral examination. The latter can only be held after that the project has been completed and formally approved.

    There are two types of possible projects, as described in the "Didactic projects" section below, plus it is always possible for (groups of) students to spontaneously propose their own subjects.

    The project is designed to be performed in groups of 2 students. Within a specified date, to be posted on this page, the students are requested to organize themselves in groups of two, with exceptions to be explicitly agreed upon with the lecturer. Groups will have to be communicated to the lecturer by e-mail with a single text file describing all groups with the format

    Group 1
    • Name, Surname, matricola, e-mail address
    • Name, Surname, matricola, e-mail address
    Group 2
    • Name, Surname, matricola, e-mail address
    • ...

    Once that the list of groups is established, the lecturer will provide a list of possible project assignments for the groups to choose from. However, spontaneous proposals from (groups of) students are welcome and encouraged; of course the lecturer reserves the right to request amendments to the proposals, and even dismiss them outright. Any group that succeeds in having a spontaneous proposal accepted will have the right to perform the corresponding project. All other groups will be required, within a specified date, to agree among themselves a (partial) matching between groups and available assignments, and to provide the result to the lecturer by e-mail with a single text file describing it with the format

    Group 1 --> Project n. X
    Group 2 --> Project n. Y

    Of course, each project can be assigned to at most one group. If some of the groups cannot resolve their dispute about some particular assignment, all the interested groups will be assigned a random project among these left free from the collaborative groups.

    The outcome of each project will primarily be a written report (exclusively PDF, use of LaTeX is suggested but not mandatory) detailing all the steps as specified in the projects proposals document. It is advised (but not mandatory) that the report of the project is sent to the lecturer incrementally, so that each step can to be checked in order to avoid that methodological errors at some stage lead to wasted work at later stages. The dates of delivery of (each step of) the project are entirely flexible. Only after that the report is completely approved the group will also have to send to the lecturer (in a single compressed .zip, .gzip or .tgz file) a distribution of all the material (models, data, scripts, spreadsheets, ...) having been produced to fulfill the required tasks. Once the distribution is also accepted, the project is approved.

    Once the project is approved, a date for the oral exam will be freely agreed upon between the lecturer and the group (the concept of "sessione d'esame" does not apply to this course). It is required that all the members of the group take the oral exam simultaneously; exceptions will have to be explicitly requested, and will only be granted for serious reasons. The oral exam consists in a discussion of the project results and possible variants/extensions, and can therefore comprise any subject within the program of the course. The grade of the project (which will not be formally stated by the lecturer, but will be clear during the required interaction) will significantly contribute to the final grade of the exam. Once a project is approved, it (and the corresponding grade) is valid for all the academic year; asking for a new project in order to increase the grade is not allowed. Repeating the oral exam is technically possible but discouraged; any subsequent attempt at the oral exam will necessarily have to forego the discussion of the project, and will therefore include a more in-deep discussion of the theoretical aspects of the course.