clear all; close all; clc; %% Gradient method with inexact line search %% Exercise 5 % the objective function is defined in the file "f.m" alpha = 0.1 ; gamma = 0.9 ; tbar = 1 ; x0 = [ 0 ; 0 ] ; tol = 1e-3 ; %% Algorithm fprintf('Gradient method with inexact line search \n\n'); fprintf('iter \t x(1) \t\t x(2) \t\t f(x) \t\t ||grad f(x)||\n\n'); iter = 0 ; x = x0 ; while true [v, g] = f(x); fprintf('%1.0f \t %1.6f \t %1.6f \t %1.6f \t %1.7f\n',iter,x(1),x(2),v,norm(g)); % stopping criterion if norm(g) < tol break end % search direction d = -g; % inexact line search t = tbar ; while f(x+t*d) > v + alpha*g'*d*t t = gamma*t ; end % new point x = x + t*d ; iter = iter + 1 ; end