%Matlab distributed data for temperatures sampled every 30 minutes for %about 16.5 weeks. load officetemp.mat Fs = 1/(60*30); % Sample rate is 1 sample every 30 minutes t = (0:length(temp)-1)/Fs; %Time vector %Plot temperature helperFrequencyAnalysisPlot2(t/(60*60*24*7),temp,... 'Time in weeks','Temperature (Fahrenheit)') % Number of FFT points = sample size NFFT = length(temp); TEMP = fft(temp,NFFT); TEMP(1) = 0; % remove the DC component for better visualization % Frequency vector (only half of the frequencies need as FFT is symmetric) F = (0 : 1/NFFT : 1/2-1/NFFT)*Fs; helperFrequencyAnalysisPlot2(F*60*60*24*7,abs(TEMP(1:NFFT/2)),... 'Frequency (cycles/week)','Magnitude',[],[],[0 10])