Forum Open to Students

Lessons Recordings

Lessons Recordings

di Utente eliminato -
Numero di risposte: 1

It would be very nice if the theacher or someone could upload on moodle lesson recordings.

Maybe the teacher could use a software such as Audacity ( Free sw) and record lesson with the built in microphone of the laptop. If not possibile, a student can record the lessons with a portable recorder?

It would be helpful for everyone.


In riposta a Utente eliminato

Re: Lessons Recordings

di Laura Ricci -


sorry for my late reply, but I did not received the e-mail, because I did not set the proper forum configurations. I do not know this software, but I will take it into account and I will notify about it  to the e-learning commission. In the meanwhile, I have no problem for  the lessons recordings, if some student records the lessons.

Thank you for the advice!

