Hi, I have some more questions regarding the final term project.
1) I've assigned a set price for both single access to a content and premium subscriptions. What happens if an user pays more than the requested price? Should we refund him/her the difference?
2) Does the Catalog retain some money for its services? I.e. if payments occur every V views, the Catalog has to pay V*price to the author or can it retain a portion of the profits?
3) How are profits from the premium subscriptions redistributed to authors? A possible fair way that I've thought is to keep "single access" balance and "subscriptions" balance separated, and when an author is paid for reaching V (single-access) views it also gets paid (1/N)th of the subscription balance (where N is the total number of contents stored in the Catalog). In this way, contents that are viewed more often are also rewarded subscription money more often.