sorry for the late and sorry, but I do not understand what you mean.
As far as I know, you need to think the Ethereum smart contracts as "backend" of your application (for the project purposes). Then if you would like to add extra backend scripts for additional functionalities then I think it is ok.
Yeah I'm sorry it's a bit confusing and probably not a very relevant question - it regards the project structure only.
In short the question is: is it okay to put both frontend (i.e. .html/.css/.js files) and backend (i.e. .sol files) code in subfolders of the same main folder made by truffle init, for the sake of semplicity and for the purpose of the project? Or is a more elegant project organization preferable for DApps?
ah ok.
You can do it as you prefer.
I do not think there are rules / suggestions about the project structure.
And in the report you could simply list your files / folders.
I do not know if there is an "elegant" organization. You could place a DApp/ folder inside your Truffle project folder, together with contracts/, tests/ etc etc. For the purposes of the project I think is enough. For bigger projects then I think it is like to structure a complete web application