Your turn - Section I
Completion requirements
Opened: Friday, 29 September 2017, 12:00 AM
Due: Friday, 6 October 2017, 11:55 PM
Upload your proposal (one line) and your contribution (silde of a presentation, code, written report ...) about the introduction and CSP.
Possible tasks I have proposed are:
- Searching for solutions: basic search algorithms, heuristic search algorithms (A* and variants) AIMA cap. 3. Lectureslides IIA-2017, Lecture 3&4 (Background material if you did not take an Introduction to AI).
- Local search algorithms and optimization problems: AIMA cap. 4.1, Lecture slides IIA-2017, Lecture 5 (Background material if you did not take an Introduction to AI).
- Read the introduction of the online book “Artificial Intelligence Foundations of Computational Agents” by Poole and Macworth an report about one aspect, for example "Dimensions of complexity".
- Study one of the examples in the introduction of the online book “Artificial Intelligence Foundations of Computational Agents” by Poole and Macworth (1.6 Prototypical Applications) and report about it.
- Formalize one of the following as CSP:- Sudoku- Zebra puzzle or Einstein's Puzzle []- Car sequencing- Scene labelling- Other ...
- Look at the Python implementation of AC-3 and use it to reduce a CSP problem
- Study and present AC-4
- Compare AC with Path Consistency (cost vs effect).